Author: Jan Walter

Making the (almost) impossible possible

With a view to the war in Ukraine, the corona-related lockdowns in China and the ongoing inflationary pressure on raw material and logistics costs, we find ourselves in times of particular economic uncertainty.

APT, the fluoropolymer specialist within the Masterflex Group, has nevertheless achieved the (almost) impossible: a strong first quarter and double-digit organic growth in a challenging market environment.

How was this achieved? Managing Director Martin Brück: “Well, by investing massively in our core competencies.”

Capacities in the extrusion sector were increased by around one fifth. In addition, the production capacity of shrink tubes was doubled by adding an additional shift.
New employees were hired in sales and production. In the shrink tubing department, working hours were changed to a two-shift system. A three-shift system is being planned due to very high demand.

Furthermore, the quality control of the products was further expanded by additional state-of-the-art inline X-ray measuring equipment and a close network was established with all raw material suppliers in order to remain constantly able to deliver despite all the upheavals.
Brück: “We have made the (almost) impossible possible and will continue our planned investments and measures undeterred this year in order to be able to supply our customers and business partners in the best possible way.”

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We support refugees from Ukraine

The war in Ukraine is causing a lot of suffering – millions of people are fleeing, hundreds of thousands have already reached Germany. They lack everything, mostly they only have what they can carry with them. For us, it was quickly clear that we had to do something.

The war in Ukraine is shaking us. The people there are in danger of losing everything they have built up. Those who flee have little more than the bare necessities. For us, it was quickly clear that we had to do something. Through our German subsidiaries, we will therefore distribute cash donations of 2,000 euros each to the following organizations:

Ukraine Kinder in Not im Rhein Kreis Neuss (APT)
Lions Club Überwald-Weschnitztal (Fleima-Plastic)
Schalke hilft bzw. Ukraine-Hilfe GE – eine Gemeinschaftsaktion der Gelsenkirchener Wirtschaft (Masterflex)
Come back alive in Kiew (Matzen & Timm)
Ukraine-Nothilfe der Stadt Halberstadt (Novoplast Schlauchtechnik)
In addition, ad hoc offers for paid internships will be created at all German Masterflex Group locations and the advertised positions (also for apprentices) will be explicitly expanded to include Ukrainian refugees

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